When I started looking at Pilates, the first place I looked was Youtube. Youtube University is one of the greatest resources in modern history. There are few things you can’t learn at least the basics of at home, by watching a few videos.
Unfortunately Pilates seems to be a notable exception. For Pilates, Youtube is something of a wild frontier. There is so much wrong information out there, that it’s hard to find the truth. Especially for someone just starting out on their Pilates journey.
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Find an Accurate Source of Information
There is more wrong Pilates than right Pilates out there, and for anyone who is just beginning, and wants to learn the exercises at home, it can really lead you down the wrong path.
In order to get the most benefit from your Pilates workout, you need to know the point of each exercise, and how to move through the exercise.
I’m not going to lie- there is a learning curve. But it’s worth it. You just need to know where to get information, and who to follow that will teach you “correct” Pilates.
Beginners List of What You Need for Pilates At Home
Thankfully this is a very short list. A basic workout can be done entirely with bodyweight on a carpet or rug. But I have a couple of recommendations.
Pilates Mat– same thing as a yoga mat. If you have carpet, you may not need a thick one, but if your floors are hard, go for one of the thicker options. If you can’t get a mat right now, that’s ok, but you may need to go outside in the grass for some softness. Just throw down a beach towel.
Clear a space- you need enough space that you can lay on the floor and reach over your head. Fingertips to toes. It’s nice to have the same width, but most exercises can be modified with bent elbows as you will see in some of my videos, because my own space is limited.
Later, you may want to invest in other things like a magic circle, a long resistance band, a foam roller (36″ medium hardness), a little massage ball, and an inflatable ball (small, about the size of a volleyball). But don’t worry about any of that now, unless you have a specific reason to want/need it.
Learn the Exercises
Pilates is different from lifting weights and running on a treadmill. Joe Pilates, who created the method, (he actually called it “Contrology”) was ahead of his time. He was also a bit of an odd duck… stories for another day.
However, each exercise was created to improve your daily function as a whole. In order to achieve this end, you need to learn how to do each exercise properly.
Learn to Follow the Cues
Part of learning to do the exercises correctly, is learning some basic cues that Pilates instructors use. A good Pilates instructor will use word pictures to communicate what you need to do, and they will also incorporate some basic anatomical terms.
If this all sounds complicated, don’t worry. I promise I make this fun, and fun makes learning easier.
Practice Consistently
The more you practice, the more second nature the basic exercises become, and then you can build on them. We build on them in 3 ways.
- By correcting form (for example, you thought you were doing it perfectly till your instructor tells you to relax your shoulders).
- With progressions, (where we increase the difficulty of the exercises).
- By introducing related exercises that are more challenging.
Listen to Your Body
One of the most important things about any form of exercise you do at home, (or in the gym, or anywhere else), is to listen to your body. Not every exercise is good for every body. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Listen to your doctor if you have ever been told to avoid any particular movements or exercise. Listen to your back if something is pinching. If your shoulder doesn’t like to do something, don’t “push through the pain” and cause injury.
Make Big Wins When You Start Small
As we all know, starting any new habit is difficult. The best way to start is with small steps that get us big wins. That’s why I created the Plank Strong Habit Tracker. In less than two minutes a day, you can work your whole body, improve your form, lengthen your endurance, and learn to dig in for every bit of what you can do. No excuses, get started now!
Pilates At Home is a Great Place to Begin Your Pilates Journey
Here at Pilates At Home, I am committed to being an accurate source of information, and teaching you the right way to do each exercise. I am also intent on bringing that information to you in a fun and interesting way. I’m a little bit ADD, so if it isn’t fun, I struggle to stick with it… anyone with me on that? Let’s have some fun!
For happy bodies…