Woman smiling with arms outstretched

Ready to feel better than you’ve felt in years?

Welcome to Pilates At Home!

I’m so excited that you’re taking the first steps toward a happier body! You won’t regret it. And here at Pilates At Home, there are a couple of things you should know.

Pilates Is Enjoyable!

There’s something special about Pilates. It’s not drudgery, like lifting weights in a gym or running on a treadmill. A talented trainer plans exercises that flow together, almost like a dance. I come away from a session feeling more energetic and alive, and then sleeping more soundly that night.

Pilates is Functional

Pilates exercises are all purposefully designed to strengthen and stabilize your body, and mobilize areas of tightness. This helps you function better throughout your daily life, whether you sit at a desk, or exert yourself physically. It lessens, and even helps prevent many types of pain.

I’ll Help You Learn to “Speak” Pilates

Pilates done right is precise. That means you may have to practice the exercises a bit, learn some terms, watch my exercise tutorials, and practice some more, but in no time, you’ll be slipping words like, “lumbopelvic,” and “thoracic,” into conversations with your friends. Try a free workout…

Pilates At Home Maintains the Integrity of Pilates

There are a lot of wild versions of “Pilates” out there, some of which are barely recognizable as the real thing. Joe Pilates designed a precise system, and I think it is important to keep it pure. Of course there’s a time and place to change it up, but it’s important to be clear on what is original Pilates, and what is different, in order to stay true to the original study.

Hi I’m Melanie!

I’ve thrown my neck out sneezing, drying my hair, sleeping, sitting, walking, and stepping off a curb. I’ve also had whiplash and a pinched nerve. All that meant countless trips to the chiropractor, which for years, was the only thing that kept me functioning.

But then I found Pilates.

When I do Pilates consistently, I feel good, and I experience less pain. When I stop for even a couple of weeks, the pain starts to come back. Pilates keeps me moving. I spend less money on chiropractics. I am able to do all the things.

I can’t wait to help you experience the same freedom!

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